The Credit One Platinum Visa For Rebuilding Credit is one of the best credit cards for building credit if you don’t have an ideal credit score. This card offers a flexible payment schedule and access to a revolving line of credit, with no need to put down a security deposit. Though it has a $99 annual fee depending on the credit score, it offers 1% cash back rewards on qualifying purchases.
Below, we take a look at ways to improve credit score and break down why The Platinum Visa For Rebuilding Credit is the best choice for those with a less-than-ideal score who want to build credit.
Credit Access Without the need for a Security Deposit
On top of its many benefits, The Credit One Platinum Visa for Rebuilding Credit is unsecured, meaning there is no need to put down a security deposit, unlike the competitors who require cardholders to put down huge amounts of deposit. Additionally, while you gain access to a revolving line of credit, make sure to keep in mind that the minimum credit line you can receive is $300.
Rewards On Purchases
The Credit One Bank terms and conditions say that based on your creditworthiness, you can qualify for rewards programs. For example, with the Platinum Visa For Rebuilding Credit, you’ll earn 1% cash back on some purchases you make in the following categories:
Some Major Benefits
The Platinum Visa For Rebuilding Credit card’s APR is 9.99%, lower than most of the competitors in this class who also have unsecured credit cards geared to people with poor credit scores.
This card also provides other benefits that are helpful to consumers rebuilding their credit, such as a periodic review for credit limit increases and an option to pay for a credit protection program, allowing cardholders to cancel their payments for up to six months in the case of job loss.
The Platinum Visa for Rebuilding Credit is perfect for you if you have poor credit. Not only does it offer access to a revolving line of credit, but it also offers 1% cash back rewards and a flexible payment schedule, making it a good pick for potential cardholders. For all those looking to improve their credit score, this is the card for you.
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