Are you thinking about taking on a second job to earn some supplemental income? This can be a great way to help pay off your bills, grow your savings and have some more cash in your wallet. Furthermore, finding a side job might lead to some worthwhile opportunities to develop new skills or even explore your passions. But before you take the leap for part-time work, you have to think about which secondary jobs are best for you. In this article, I provide some tips to find the perfect second job for you and 10 potential options to consider.
How to Find the Perfect Second Job
When looking for a second job here are some things that you must consider:
- Potential Interference with Primary Job: When searching for the best second job, make sure it will not cause conflicts with your day job. The last thing you want to do is get fired and lose your main source of income. Every company is different, but some may have stricter guidelines on what you can and can’t do regarding secondary jobs. Make sure to consult with your employer, and once you have clarified their policy, you can go from there.
- Additional Training: When narrowing down your list of potential second jobs, keep in mind that not all will be available right away. Some jobs may require specific skill certifications. If you don’t have the certification needed in that field, give some extra thought to whether or not that job is right for you, and if so factor in some extra time for schooling or studying.
- Job Environment: An important question to ask is where do you want to conduct your second job. Are you interested in being an assistant in an office, a sales associate in a store, a waiter in a restaurant or a driver in your car? Importantly though, you are not limited to working at another business. Especially in light of Covid-19, there are many great opportunities to earn money from home.
- Job Purpose: Finally, when conducting this search, the most important thing to ask yourself is what are you trying to get out of this side job. Are you trying to find a second job that pays a lot of money, that can expand your skills or that can help explore a passion of yours? And no matter what the answer to this question is, making sure that you identify it, and find the job that ticks this box. In doing so, you will ensure that this second job of yours is worthwhile.
10 Jobs to Consider
If you don’t already have a specific secondary job in mind, here are some options to consider. For your convenience, these jobs are broken down into various categories, including jobs in the service industry, app-based gig opportunities and work-from-home options:
- Restaurant server
- Bartender
- Fast-Food worker
- Ride-share driver
- Meal delivery
- Odd jobs or manual work
- Customer service associate
- Online tutoring
- E-commerce seller
- Freelance writing
Finding a second job can be a great way to earn some supplementary income, build-up some skills or even find a passion. Before you make a decision, you might want to consider what exactly you are looking for in a side job, as well as ensuring that this opportunity doesn’t conflict with your existing primary job. Luckily for you, there are many different types of opportunities available, from working in the service industry to jobs that you can do from the comfort of your home. As always, make sure to carefully evaluate your options so that you can make this experience as worthwhile as possible.