If you’re looking to maximize points this year in order to get that dream redemption, you might be looking to obtain another credit card or spending a bit more this holiday season. But an often overlooked method is referrals. Referrals are especially effective for racking up points if you’re currently a Chase Sapphire Preferred cardholder. With Chase’s Refer-A-Friend program, you can refer your family and friends to the card. If they qualify for the card, you can earn a ton of points. Note that the people you refer the card to don’t have to be new to Chase. You can refer anybody, including current Chase Reserve cardholders, to the Sapphire Preferred Card. Below, we’ll go over how to refer friends to the Sapphire Preferred Card through Chase’s program and how many points you can end up earning.
Refer-A-Friend Program
There are two main ways to refer friends and family through the Refer-A-Friend program. The main way is to simply navigate to Chase’s dedicated referral website. There, you enter your name, zip code, and the last 4 digits of your Chase Sapphire Preferred Card. You will then receive a personalized URL to distribute to your colleagues or share on social media.
The second method requires having the Chase Mobile App on your phone. First, scroll down to the Chase Sapphire Preferred or any other card you want to refer. Under account services, you will see the “Refer Friends” option if a referral is available. You will then be given the option to send the referral link via text, email, or social media.
All of Chase’s credit cards earn different amounts of points for each referral. Generally, the more expensive the card is, the more points you will earn for each referral. Since the Sapphire Prefered is one of Chase’s most exclusive cards, the referral bonus is higher than most other Chase cards. For this card, you will earn 15,000 points for each successful referral, up to 75,000 points in one year. This means that you’re limited to just 5 successful referrals in one year.
Most cardholders are not aware that referrals are another way to rack up points besides spending. Using the Chase’s referral program for your Sapphire Preferred Card, you can potentially earn up to 75,000 points in one year. This bonus is definitely one to take advantage of as it is one of the only ways to earn lots of points without any actual spending.
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