A credit card PIN or Personal Identification Number is a 4 digit number you use to verify purchases and that you are the owner of the credit card. This functions similarly to your signature and is used to help protect against fraud. The most common place where a credit card pin might be used is during cash advances at ATMs. They could also be used in different countries to authorize purchases. You need a credit card pin to complete certain transactions in foreign countries such as unmanned kiosks.
What is a PIN and how does it work?
A credit card PIN is a 4 digit code chosen by you after opening a credit card. It serves to add an extra layer of security on top of your signature and chip. In the U.S you do not usually need your credit card pin but you can just insert your card and sign to complete the transaction. You would only need a PIN when you are getting cash at the ATM or making a purchase in a foreign country.
PINs look to store all of your sensitive information behind a 4 digit code in order to protect you from any fraud that could occur. PIN and chip cards are seen as much more protective than magnetic stripe cards. The PIN works as an extra layer of security to protect against fraud and other forms of theft. Magnetic stripe cards are much easier to steal and access sensitive information than cards protected by chips and pins.
When do I need a PIN?
Cash Advances
Credit card PINs are almost always necessary when you want to take out a cash advance. You enter your PIN to ensure that you are the card owner. You can contact your bank if you do not remember your PIN but you can not complete the cash advance until you get the number back. The PIN number is the most important piece of information to remember especially if you plan to use a credit card or debit card at the ATM. Make sure you do not write your PIN down or give it out to protect against Fraud.
Purchases in Foreign Countries
You will most likely need a credit card PIN when making purchases abroad. In Europe and other countries, the default method of payment is inserting your card and putting in the PIN which is used to verify your identity. You could opt-out of entering a PIN and sign, sometimes that might not be an option so it is always good to know your PIN. If you do not have a PIN you may have trouble while at unmanned kiosks. You might not be able to complete the purchase if you do not have your PIN.
How do I get a Credit Card PIN?
If you do not have a credit card PIN it could be because you never set it up when you were making your account. You can request mail from your issuer that has your PIN on it because the PIN number usually comes in a separate envelope then your credit card information. If you cannot find the paperwork, it may be on your online account in your account info section. You should search your account to see if you can find your PIN. If both of those options do not work contact your issuer to ask about your PIN. They could tell you that you do not have one or they may remind you what your PIN is. They can mail your PIN to your home address so it will not take long to set it up and get the number.
Although Credit Card PINs are uncommon in the U.S, it is important to have one just in case you need it. It acts as an extra layer of security for your sensitive information. Make sure you know what your PIN is and that you do not give it out so your information stays safe.
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