Most credit cards you acquire will have a certain limit; however, with the correct financial information and financial history, you can ensure that you maximize your credit limit. It is important to note that as long as you have a good credit score and a stable source of income, you can almost always qualify for a higher credit line for your credit card.
In essence, a high limit credit card refers to a credit card that has a credit line above $5000. A high limit credit card is much sought because it also helps in increasing your credit score. It does so by raising your total credit and also decreasing your credit utilization rate, as you are now likely to spend a lower proportion of your credit line.
How to get a high limit credit card
Unfortunately, most credit card companies don’t highlight their cards’ credit limits and instead only state their cards’ minimum credit limit. Furthermore, you won’t know what your true credit limit is until your card application has been completed. If after this procedure, your credit limit is not as high as you would like it to be, you can always contact the card issuer. In some cases, they may immediately process your request and in other cases, you can receive a higher credit line after making consistent and punctual payments for a short period of time.
Here are a few examples of credit cards through which you can enjoy a high credit line
With an annual fee of $550, the Chase Sapphire Reserve card has a minimum credit line of $10000. Moreover, you can earn many rewards while traveling, such as a complimentary priority pass card.
Discover’s Cash Back card offers a credit limit of up to $15000. Additionally, with no annual fee and up to 10% cash back within the first year, this is a great cash back card.
Chase’s Freedom card offers up to $24000 in credit limit. Moreover, this card has no annual fee and also offers a 0% introductory APR and unlimited cash rewards.
Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card
Capital One’s QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card is a great card for someone looking to easily and quickly increase their credit line. This card allows you to increase your credit limit after just five months of punctual and consistent payment. Furthermore, the card has an annual fee of only $39 and 1.5% cash back on all purchases and rewards that never expire.
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