Using a credit card that rewards miles as you make purchases can be very beneficial in the long run if you find yourself traveling often. The AAdvantage suite of credit cards from American Airlines and Citibank is one of the most well known of these travel cards because of the ample rewards and bonuses. If you find yourself wanting to travel even more, it can be in your best interest to upgrade your credit card if you qualify.
Upgrading your AAdvantage Platinum Select Card
Citi credit cards are typically very easy to upgrade or downgrade because Citibank is often generous with granting its customers a product change. If you find that your AAdvantage Platinum Select card is not offering enough rewards, it will be worth it to upgrade your card to one that can offer you more. The next card you will want to get is the AAdvantage Executive World Elite card, which has a few different features that will be discussed below. The typical credit score needed for this card is excellent, so make sure you check your score and are in good standing with Citibank. It is also a good idea to wait at least a year before upgrading your card after opening your account.
How to Upgrade to the AAdvantage Executive World Elite Card
Citibank does its credit card upgrades over the phone through their customer service number. This number can be found on the back of your card. You can call and discuss your eligibility and terms of changing to a new credit card with the representative. Additionally, Citi may send you a targeted email that tells you that you are eligible for an upgrade to a better card. Make sure to check your inbox to see if they have already done so.
Once you have talked to a representative and decided that you would like to upgrade your card, it can take a while to process. Even though Citibank makes the upgrade relatively easy, it may take a month or two for the upgrade to be official and for you to receive your new card.
What you will be Losing by Upgrading your Credit Card
The AAdvantage Platinum Select credit card has a few unique features when compared to other options in this suite. The main thing that you will be losing is the double miles that are earned at restaurants and gas stations. Additionally, the annual fee for the Platinum Select card is $99 and is waived for the first year. If you decide to upgrade to the Executive World Elite card, you will then have to pay a large fee of $450 per year. These are the two main changes that will take place and all other miles earned will be at the same rate. The main rewards rates are double miles on all American Airlines flights and 1 mile per dollar spent on all other purchases.
The Benefits of Upgrading to the AAdvantage Executive World Elite
By upgrading to the AAdvantage Executive World Elite card and electing to pay the $450 annual fee, you will be getting additional perks from American Airlines. Firstly, you can now get the first bag checked free for up to eight companions, whereas it was only four with the Platinum Select card. You will also receive a $100 credit for up to five years to cover the application fee of Global Entry or TSA Precheck. If you spend at least $40,000 in one year, cardholders are eligible for 10,000 in Elite Qualifying Miles (EQMS) that help you gain elite status with American Airlines. The benefits of this include perks such as additional free checked baggage, higher mile-earning rates, complimentary upgrades, and preferred seating. These vary depending on your level of status and can be viewed here. Lastly, the main benefit of the Executive World Elite card is access to the Admirals club which typically costs $650 per year. For the price, this card offers a lot of perks and will be worth it if you travel often. It does not offer any different mile reward rates, so you have to decide if the perks are worth the extra fee.
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