For people who no longer want to pay a high annual fee, many airline cards will allow downgrades in order to keep your account. Instead of losing your business, these airline companies will allow you to switch your airline credit card without hurting your credit score.
For the Delta Skymiles Reserve American Express, there are a few different credit cards that you are able to downgrade to.
Delta Skymiles Platinum American Express
The next logical downgrade from the prestigious Delta Skymiles Reserve American Express is the Delta Skymiles Platinum American Express. Switching to the Platinum card will save you $300 annually, dropping the fee from $550 to $250. This drop in the annual fee also comes with fewer rewards, as your companion ticket can no longer be used in first-class, you will have less lounge access to lounges such as the elite Centurion lounge, and you will have a harder time earning enough qualification points to boost your Delta status. Other than that, the two cards are very similar and the Platinum Amex will save you $300 annually.
Delta Skymiles Gold American Express
The next step down is the Delta Skymiles Gold American Express, which only has a $99 annual fee. As opposed to the previous two Delta cards which offer 3x points on Delta purchases, this card only offers 2x points. This card’s welcome bonus provides fewer miles, and it takes away the qualification points, making it hard to increase your Delta status. You will not receive any status boosters, deals on lounge access, companion tickets, or Global Entry/TSA PreCheck fee credits. Thus, this decrease in the annual fee comes with a significant decrease in rewards, so you should look into whether or not the rewards are worth it.
Delta Skymiles Blue American Express
Finally, The Delta Skymiles Blue American Express is the cheapest option among the Delta rewards cards, as this card has even fewer rewards but no annual fee. With this card, you will no longer receive free checked luggage, receive a smaller signup bonus, and receive few travel benefits. However, you still receive rewards for your Delta purchases, your foreign transaction fee is waived, and you do not have to pay to own it, making it a solid option for those who do not want to pay any high annual fees.
Overall, Delta has one of the deepest portfolios of credit cards, as their four different options will allow you to earn points how you want to. You will easily be able to downgrade from your Delta Skymiles Reserve American Express at no expense to your credit score, but you will lose rewards and other benefits each time you downgrade. Thus, you should weigh the extra benefits against the added annual fee and see which card is right for you.
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