The Discover it Miles card is a card that provides a solid bang for your buck. With no annual fee, the rewards system is extremely lucrative in comparison to similar cards on the market. With this card, you can earn unlimited 1.5x Miles for every dollar spent on all purchases. Also, as a first-year bonus, Discover automatically matches all the Miles you've earned at the end of your first year. You can read the full review here.
So how do you redeem earned miles?
You can redeem any amount of earned miles for cash as an electronic deposit to your bank account or for a statement credit on travel purchases made within the last 6 months. Travel purchases include airline tickets, hotel rooms, car rentals, travel agents, online travel sites, and commuter transportation. This means that you can use your Discover it Miles card to pay for airfare, hotels, and rideshares with no blackout dates. Then, you can easily redeem Miles as a statement credit for travel purchases or get cash.
A great benefit of this rewards system is that the Miles never expire. Discover will credit your account with your rewards balance if your account is closed or has not been used in 18 months.
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