For almost all credit cards, you will not lose your previously earned rewards points when you open up a new credit card. Making balance transfers and creating new accounts usually does not affect the rewards you earn, allowing you to transfer your points over.
However, if you are canceling a previously owned card in order to open up anew one, then you may be at risk of forfeiting your points. Three of the main types of points cards are travel, hotel, and bank cards. For travel and hotel cards, you usually will not lose your points registered through a certain airline or hotel. However, bank rewards cards often will delete your points if you cancel the credit card, making it imperative that you redeem all of your points before you cancel your credit card. On the contrary, many banks will allow you to keep your points when you cancel a credit card as long as you open up another card with that bank. Thus, you could change from one Citi card to another and still keep your rewards points.
Many credit cards also give you the option to transfer your rewards points from one credit card to another. Thus, if you are getting rid of your credit card, you can keep your points by transferring them to a family member or to another credit card.
Although you do not lose rewards points when you get a new card, there are many other ways that you can lose points. These include:
These are a few of the many ways in which you can lose your points, so be responsible when using your credit card.
Overall, you will not lose your rewards points when you get a new card. However, the cancellation of a credit card account is one of the few ways in which your points could disappear. If you are getting rid of a credit card that has a rewards program, make sure you try to transfer your points or redeem them before they are eliminated.
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