As with all other Credit One cards, the activation process is only available through the phone in order to ensure maximum security. The phone number can be found on a sticker affixed to your new card. You can also call the customer service number at call customer service at 1 (877) 825-3242 in case your sticker falls off and you need an alternative way of finding the phone number. Your card cannot be activated online because Credit One wants to maximize your card’s security and keep your credit card information off of the internet.
Security Questions
You will be asked for a variety of information on the phone to ensure that your Credit One Platinum Rewards card is in the right hands. After you give your full credit card number, you will be asked for your social security number, your birthday, and your three-digit security code.
How long do you have to activate it?
If your card is not activated within 14 days of arrival in the mail, it will be disabled. Thus, your account will be closed, and you will have to start the entire application process over again. Also, you will not be able to use your card until it is activated, which means that no new purchases or balance transfers can be made until it is activated.
Easy Process
You are able to either use Credit One’s voice automated response system, or you can speak to a customer service representative. If you use the automated response system, this process should take you no longer than 5 minutes. However, if you are someone who does not like dealing with machines, then you can use the customer service number, but there is a chance you might be placed on hold.
Serious Security
100% Free