Upgrading your credit card could allow you to receive a new card, possibly with better benefits and rewards, without asking you to apply for a new line of credit. When you upgrade, you may be able to retain the same credit account, but you’ll receive a new card through the post. However, this too has potential downsides, such as giving up the fortune of earning a sign-up bonus on your new card. Additionally , make sure to know whether you are eligible for an upgrade or not.
Eligibility requirements
Listed below are the eligibility requirements to be considered for an upgrade, though this doesn’t guarantee upgrade approval.
It is generally expected to have 12 months of card ownership to be considered for an upgrade. Due to consumer protection policy, credit card issuers cannot increase your annual fee for the first year of account opening, making upgrades nearly impossible.
To qualify for a good upgrade offer with Amex Blue Cash, you must make sure that your account is in good standing. If you showcase making all payments on time with the bank and have responsible card usage, then you are more likely to be taken into account for a product change.
You can’t switch from a card that provides cash back to one that offers Membership Rewards points or vice versa.
Ways to upgrade from Amex Blue Cash Everyday to Preferred
Yes, you can upgrade your Amex Blue Cash Everyday to Preferred. Amex sometimes sends targeted upgrade offers to Blue Cash Everyday card holders, either through the mail or by e-mail. Or, you can call customer service at 800-528-4800 to request an upgrade to Blue Cash Preferred.
When you request an upgrade from Amex Blue Cash Everyday to Preferred, there’s no hard inquiry on your credit report, thereby making no effect on your credit score. Approval for an upgrade typically takes just a few minutes, but there’s no guarantee you will be approved.
If approved for an upgrade, you should receive your card within 7 business days from when the upgrade was approved. You can use your old card until the new one arrives, but it will deliver all the benefits of the new card within a day after the upgrade.
The following features remain the same with your card when you upgrade unless your offer stated otherwise:
Features that will change when you upgrade:
Benefits of upgrading from Amex Blue Cash Everyday to Preferred
Although Amex Blue Cash Preferred card comes with a $95 annual fee it has some perks that you can relish. Firstly, you’ll earn $300 statement credit after you spend $1,000 within the first 3 months. Additionally, you can take the benefit of having cash back rates on a supermarket, dining, and travel spending.
Yes, it is possible to upgrade your Amex Blue Cash card. Remember, to check eligibility requirements for an upgrade. If eligible, explore the various avenues available to upgrade and take advantage of the features and perks discussed upon approval.
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